Logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield still available?

I just tried installing the logstash-output-elasticsearch-shiled plugin, with no results:

#plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield --verbose
-> Installing logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield...
Trying https://github.com/null/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield/archive/master.zip...
Failed: IOException[Can't get https://github.com/null/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield/archive/master.zip to /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com/null/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield/archive/master.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com/null/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield/archive/master.zip];
Failed to install logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield, reason: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

I also tried searching github for the plugin, with no luck. Is this plugin still available?

I don't think there ever was one?
Are you just sending to ES+Shield? If so use the standard ES output and set authentication there.

I found that output in this documentation:

Logstash Output ES Shield

So maybe the docs need to be updated. :smile:

But yeah, I tried using the standard output. And I'm having some issues there. I write about that problem in another post.

Right, well I can be wrong at times :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :wink:

I believe the documentation is correct. I didn't have any issues installing this logstash output in a fresh instance of logstash:

$ cd logstash-1.5.2
$ bin/plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Validating logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Installing logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Installation successful

What version of logstash did you run the install command from?

Hey Jaymode,

Cool! Thanks for pointing that out. Seems there are two 'plugin' binaries, and I was using the wrong one!

[root@logs:~] #find / -name plugin -type f

So I tried using the logstash plugin binary instead of the elasticsearch one, and it worked like a charm!

  [root@logs:~] #/opt/logstash/bin/plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Validating logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Installing logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield
Installation successful

I thank you for the advice! Well know that I have logstash working with ES+Shield, I may be content to stick with what I have. But I may use this at some point, as the documentation points out that its more efficient than HTTP mode.

Anyway, thanks again! And I definitely appreciate the tremendous helpfulness of this active community!

That's great! I'm glad you were able to get it going.

We're aware of the plugin executable name clash and we're looking at folding the functionality into the elasticsearch command https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/11797

Hey man! Yeah I'm glad I got that sorted out too. And it makes sense to me to fold the functionality of both plugin commands into one. I was actually about to suggest it. Too confusing to have two commands with the same name service different purposes.
