Logstash output to https

Hi. been looking a while for some answer about this.
is there support for output to https?
this is my output:
url => "https://****/service.svc/log"
http_method =>"post"

im running logstash on windows.
i keep getting this error:

1da3024133a" @version=1.1 @port=443 @protocol="https" >, :response=>nil, :excep**
ion=>OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: An existing connection was forcibly closed by th
remote host>, :stacktrace=>["org/jruby/ext/openssl/SSLSocket.java:195:in conn** **ct_nonblock'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/ftw-0.0.44/lib** **ftw/connection.rb:413:indo_secure'"

is there an official support for https? what am i doing worng?

thanks :smile:

We do support HTTPS, can you provide the full error you are seeing?

What version are you on?

here is my full log (sorry for the format is from console:

←[33mUnhandled exception {:request=><FTW::Request(@13468) @headers=FTW::HTTP::He
aders <{"host"=>"taasukaesb.ewavetest.co.il", "connection"=>"keep-alive", "conte
nt-type"=>"application/json", "content-length"=>517}> @method="POST" @body="{\"A
4d10-8a23-3b86b9f22cc7\",\"RequestIPs\":\"\",\"EntityClass\":\" \",\"M
ethods\":\"Button2_Click\",\"SourceFilePath\":\" \",\"SourceLineNum\":34,\"Title
\":\"TEST INFO\",\"Details\":\"this is a test to tell that something happend, bu
t its cool..\"}" @logger=#<Cabin::Channel:0xd0816b0 @metrics=#<Cabin::Metrics:0x
192e6ba1 @metrics_lock=#<Mutex:0x306a119a>, @metrics={}, @channel=#<Cabin::Chann
el:0xd0816b0 ...>>, @subscriber_lock=#<Mutex:0x7fd74c77>, @level=:info, @subscri
bers={}, @data={}> @request_uri="/TaasukaService.svc/TransactionLog/CreateJson?C
ontext=Portal&UserToken=a441b37f-3403-43fd-8f58-d1da3024133a" @version=1.1 @port
=443 @protocol="https" >, :response=>nil, :exception=>#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError:
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host>, :stacktrace=>["o
rg/jruby/ext/openssl/SSLSocket.java:195:in `connect_nonblock'", "C:/logstash/ins
tall/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/ftw-0.0.44/lib/ftw/connection.rb:413:in `do_se
cure'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/ftw-0.0.44/lib/ftw/con
nection.rb:393:in `secure'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/f
tw-0.0.44/lib/ftw/agent.rb:449:in `connect'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle
/jruby/1.9/gems/ftw-0.0.44/lib/ftw/agent.rb:283:in `execute'", "C:/logstash/inst
/http.rb:126:in `receive'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/lo
gstash-core-1.5.3-java/lib/logstash/outputs/base.rb:88:in `handle'", "(eval):83:
in `output_func'", "C:/logstash/install/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-co
re-1.5.3-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:244:in `outputworker'", "C:/logstash/inst
rb:166:in `start_outputs'"], :level=>:warn}←[0m

im using logstash 1.5.3

sorry for bumping. but we could realy use some help on this topic. any new ideas. did the logs i posed give a hint?

Are you able to connect to the remote host/port outside of Logstash? For example does the following command work:

openssl s_client -connect host:port

this is from the openssl:
SSL handshake has read 3465 bytes and written 499 bytes

New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol : TLSv1.2
Cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
Session-ID: 403E000061C1DC3A047826246F9CF58E0E9012AE4F11D6DCF8A6D84993EE0487

Master-Key: 56469360AD27C5C5C2B2EFCBF75C24EB6B26B66D05A347E2B89CBC715F97B3FB

Key-Arg : None
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
Start Time: 1440667749
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

at the destenation server i new see in the event viewer (windows server)
this error:
An TLS 1.1 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed.

Is your server expecting a client certificate?

nope. it does not.
