Logstash Pipeline in Elastic Cloud

I'm new on Elastic Cloud.
I understood how to send data to Elasticsearch on cloud via logstash.
In Kibana I saw option "Logstash Pipelines". How can I use it?

I want to send files via filebeat to logstash on Elastic Cloud. Logstash will parse data and will send to Elasticsearch.
How to configure output in filebeat?
How to configure input and output plugins in logstash pipeline?
Thanks in advance

This is the Centralized Pipeline Management interface, it allows you to manage your logstash configuration directly from kibana.

You still need to run Logstash by yourself on-premises or on a cloud service, the Elastic cloud does not provide logstash.


In this case you need que create a Pipeline ID and configure the same ID in your Logstash config (logstash.yml).

For example:

xpack.management.enabled: true
xpack.management.elasticsearch.hosts: "http://URL_ELASTICSEARCH_CLOUD:9200/"
xpack.management.elasticsearch.username: USERNAME
xpack.management.elasticsearch.password: PASSWORD
xpack.management.logstash.poll_interval: 5s
xpack.management.pipeline.id: ["THE_SAME_NAME_IN_KIBANA"]

After do this, you will manage the pipeline conf using your Kibana!

See the full documentation: Configuring Centralized Pipeline Management | Logstash Reference [7.15] | Elastic


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