Logstash problem accessing symbolic link config-file during start-up


I have a file : c:\elk\checkout\logstash\bin\logstash.conf
I created a hard symbolic link so that this file is linked to the location where logstash is running.

mklink /D C:\dev\elk\logstash-5.4.0\bin\logstash.conf c:\elk\checkout\logstash\bin\logstash.conf

When I run:
logstash.bat -f logstash.conf --config.reload.automatic

I get the following error:

17:25:29.262 [LogStash::Runner] ERROR logstash.agent - failed to fetch pipeline configuration {:message=>"Permission denied - C:/dev/elk/logstash-5.4.0/bin/logstash.conf"}

When I do the same in elasticsearch or kibana the apps start without any problem.

Any ideas why logstash is complaining about permissions?

regards benny

What if you start Logstash with the path to the original file, i.e. is this problem specific to the file that was created as a link?

Hi Magnus,

Thanks for the reply.

I found out the problem was the way the symlink was made.
I put option /D (creates a directory symbolic link) which should have been /F (creates a hard link)

Regards benny

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