Logstash reloads api not workig

hello i am using the logstasha api in order to know if the reloads that i did are good or not, the issue is that when i excecute
curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/_node/stats/pipelines?pretty'
it answer the failures but when i reload with the good config it answer 0 in succes :frowning: anyone has teh same issue

   "reloads" : {
    "last_error" : {
      "message" : "Expected one of #, input, filter, output at line 153, column 1 (byte 5368) after ",
    "successes" : 0,
    "last_success_timestamp" : null,
    "last_failure_timestamp" : "2018-06-08T19:34:12.506Z",
    "failures" : 6

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