Logstash s3 output doesn't support path-style url for s3 compatible storage

logstash s3 output doesn't support path-style url for s3 compatible storage.

It tries to connect to "< bucket>.< endpoint>"... instead of "< endpoint>/< bucket>".

Our internal s3 implementation currently only supports the path style, would be nice if logstash provides a switch to use path style.

Such as a shame that we are so close, yet so far! Blocked by such a small thing before logs can reach s3. :slight_smile:

Hello @ibmdcb

You can pass additional configuration to the client.
See the documentation.
In particular:

input {
      s3 {
        "access_key_id" => "1234"
        "secret_access_key" => "secret"
        "bucket" => "logstash-test"
        "additional_settings" => {
          "force_path_style" => true

Thank you so much! Exactly what I needed. Tested and all works.

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