Logstash sql_last_start with sql server

I am running in a little problem..I want to have logstash picking up changes of multiple datatables

Therefor I have created multiple config files and did an initial filling without the :sql_last_start
This works ok.. and all config files have ran..

But now I have a DateLastModified column and want to get only the records that have changed after the sql_last_start.

I have managed to have the sql_last_start save by using last_run_metadata_path ..
But there the problem starts.. if I add the DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()), DateLastModified) >= :sql_last_start I will get an sql error about conversion..
Looking at the value in the file I see --- 2016-09-23 11:16:40.874000000 Z I think that this would be the problem
How can I have the correct dateformat here .. yyyy/MM/dddd HH:mm:ss:nnn ?

I want to have based on the sql_last_start as I have multiple configs that also will depend on the sql_last_start!
With last_value it might be that changes will be missed as it can be that the value is set by a later config.

Or can I have the last value stored in a 'per config' log file?! just like the sql_last_start?!?

Here is a section of the config:statement => "Select contactid,genderid,Email, DateLastModified from Contact where contactTypeid=1 and contactStatusid=1 and DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()), DateLastModified) >= ':sql_last_start'" schedule => "* * * * * *" jdbc_paging_enabled => true jdbc_page_size => "5000" record_last_run => true last_run_metadata_path => "C:\Apps\logstash-5.0.0\log\logstash_jdbc_last_run_contact" type => "log"

error is:←[33mException when executing JDBC query {:exception=>#<Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.>, :level=>:warn}←[0m

Somebody any ideas as I cannot find any answer anywhere!!

error is:←[33mException when executing JDBC query {:exception=>#, :level=>:warn}←[0m

Is that really all that's in your log? There's no error message after "#"?