Logstash xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password

Hi there,
Is it possible to use a keystore to store this password. I don't want to have any plain text passwords in config file

I'm specifically talking about this setting

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: "logstash_system" 
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: "changeme"

I made a thread about this but no one replied :confused:


I think you just create another keystore entry,

bin/logstash-keystore add X_PWD

Then refer to it xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: ${X_PWD}

Hi rugenl

For some reason it's still not working

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash list


Soon as I change from

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: "pass"

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: ${X_PWD}

logstash refuses to start

[2019-08-24T19:27:21,753][WARN ][org.logstash.execution.ShutdownWatcherExt] {"inflight_count"=>0, "stalling_threads_info"=>{"other"=>[{"thread_id"=>35, "name"=>"[main]<beats", "current_call"=>"[...]/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.5.0/gems/logstash-input-beats-6.0.0-java/lib/logstash/inputs/beats.rb:204:in `run'"}, {"thread_id"=>36, "name"=>"[main]<udp", "current_call"=>"[...]/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.5.0/gems/logstash-input-udp-3.3.4/lib/logstash/inputs/udp.rb:121:in `select'"}], ["LogStash::Filters::GeoIP", {"database"=>"/etc/logstash/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb", "source"=>"[source][ip]", "id"=>"742dbc9c1e3984b7f18923ea3722d982920f4b2a4be4513d93a0d8383e1cc58b"}]=>[{"thread_id"=>30, "name"=>"[main]>worker0", "current_call"=>"[...]/logstash-core/lib/logstash/java_pipeline.rb:239:in `block in start_workers'"}, {"thread_id"=>31, "name"=>"[main]>worker1", "current_call"=>"[...]/logstash-core/lib/logstash/java_pipeline.rb:239:in `block in start_workers'"}, {"thread_id"=>32, "name"=>"[main]>worker2", "current_call"=>"[...]/logstash-core/lib/logstash/java_pipeline.rb:239:in `block in start_workers'"}, {"thread_id"=>33, "name"=>"[main]>worker3", "current_call"=>"[...]/logstash-core/lib/logstash/java_pipeline.rb:239:in `block in start_workers'"}]}}
[2019-08-24T19:27:21,756][ERROR][org.logstash.execution.ShutdownWatcherExt] The shutdown process appears to be stalled due to busy or blocked plugins. Check the logs for more information.
[2019-08-24T19:27:23,458][INFO ][logstash.javapipeline    ] Pipeline terminated {"pipeline.id"=>"main"}

Soon as i change it back to plain text password it starts fine :confused:

The list has lower case, did you add X_PWD or x_pwd? Try using ${x_pwd} in the kibana.yml.

The keystore-doc is confusing, it appears to say that you can only use that exact keyword, but other examples use other keywords, so I think you can add arbitrary keys.

I added X_PWD

What's strange is when I run the list command I get an error
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash list

[ERROR] 2019-08-25 13:27:20.827 [main] secretstorecli - Found a file at /etc/logstash/logstash.keystore, but it is not a valid Logstash keystore. {:cause=>java.io.IOException: Integrity check failed: java.io.IOException: getSecretKey failed: Password is not ASCII, :backtrace=>["org.logstash.secret.store.backend.JavaKeyStore.load(org/logstash/secret/store/backend/JavaKeyStore.java:268)", "org.logstash.secret.store.backend.JavaKeyStore.load(org/logstash/secret/store/backend/JavaKeyStore.java:40)", "org.logstash.secret.store.SecretStoreFactory.doIt(org/logstash/secret/store/SecretStoreFactory.java:109)", "org.logstash.secret.store.SecretStoreFactory.load(org/logstash/secret/store/SecretStoreFactory.java:95)", "org.logstash.secret.cli.SecretStoreCli.command(org/logstash/secret/cli/SecretStoreCli.java:77)", "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java/lang/reflect/Method.java:498)", "org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling(org/jruby/javasupport/JavaMethod.java:425)", "org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirect(org/jruby/javasupport/JavaMethod.java:292)", "RUBY.<class:SecretStoreCli>(/usr/share/logstash/lib/secretstore/cli.rb:35)", "RUBY.<main>(/usr/share/logstash/lib/secretstore/cli.rb:16)", "org.jruby.Ruby.runInterpreter(org/jruby/Ruby.java:891)", "org.jruby.Ruby.runInterpreter(org/jruby/Ruby.java:895)", "org.jruby.Ruby.runNormally(org/jruby/Ruby.java:784)", "org.jruby.Ruby.runNormally(org/jruby/Ruby.java:797)", "org.jruby.Ruby.runFromMain(org/jruby/Ruby.java:609)", "org.jruby.Main.doRunFromMain(org/jruby/Main.java:415)", "org.jruby.Main.internalRun(org/jruby/Main.java:307)", "org.jruby.Main.run(org/jruby/Main.java:234)", "org.jruby.Main.main(org/jruby/Main.java:206)"]}

So I recreated everything

set +o history
export LOGSTASH_KEYSTORE_PASS=mypassword
set -o history

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash add es_pwd
2019-08-25 13:31:30,031 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-25 13:31:30,031 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-25 13:31:30,032 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-25 13:31:30,032 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"

Enter value for es_pwd: 
Added 'es_pwd' to the Logstash keystore.

In logstash I set

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: $es_pwd

tail -F /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log 
[2019-08-25T13:33:12,700][INFO ][logstash.javapipeline    ] Starting pipeline {:pipeline_id=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>4, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.batch.delay"=>50, "pipeline.max_inflight"=>500, :thread=>"#<Thread:0x588aa324 run>"}
[2019-08-25T13:33:13,820][INFO ][logstash.inputs.beats    ] Beats inputs: Starting input listener {:address=>""}
[2019-08-25T13:33:13,875][INFO ][logstash.javapipeline    ] Pipeline started {"pipeline.id"=>"main"}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,006][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] Starting UDP listener {:address=>""}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,032][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] Starting UDP listener {:address=>""}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,190][INFO ][org.logstash.beats.Server] Starting server on port: 5044
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,222][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] UDP listener started {:address=>"", :receive_buffer_bytes=>"106496", :queue_size=>"2000"}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,232][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] UDP listener started {:address=>"", :receive_buffer_bytes=>"106496", :queue_size=>"2000"}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,269][INFO ][logstash.agent           ] Pipelines running {:count=>1, :running_pipelines=>[:main], :non_running_pipelines=>[]}
[2019-08-25T13:33:14,727][INFO ][logstash.agent           ] Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
[2019-08-25T13:33:37,297][ERROR][logstash.licensechecker.licensereader] Unable to retrieve license information from license server {:message=>"Got response code '401' contacting Elasticsearch at URL 'https://localhost:9200/_xpack'"}
[2019-08-25T13:34:07,221][ERROR][logstash.licensechecker.licensereader] Unable to retrieve license information from license server {:message=>"Got response code '401' contacting Elasticsearch at URL 'https://localhost:9200/_xpack'"}

I also tried adding the x_pwd to the keystore and setting

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: $x_pwd

Same thing

Thanks for your help

Hello @VamPikmin,

try this :

bin/logstash-keystore add xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password

and then enter your password word.
NB : you can comment/delete this line in the .yml


Hi @mbelaloui

Thanks for your help

I've added it to the keystore but still get 401

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore list  --path.settings /etc/logstash


Just want to confirm you want me to comment out the pass from the logstash.yml like this:

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: logstash_system
#xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: mytextpass
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority: /etc/logstash/certs/ca.pem

In Kibana it was easy

sudo -u kibana /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-keystore add elasticsearch.password


elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
elasticsearch.password: "elasticsearch.password"

Hi @VamPikmin

Did it work before adding the keystore rule ???
If no, i think that your user dos'nt have the right to monitore data, to do so you have to add the monitoring rols to your logstash_system.

If not it certainly came from the https, you don't use the right Ca or the user that run logstash dosn't have the correct access right to read it.

Happy to help you Mehdi.

Hi @mbelaloui
It works with the logstash_system user and plain text password in config, that should mean that the user has the right access I would imagine?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Does it work for you in kibana ?
I just tryed it with kibana, elasticsearch and logstash 7.2.0 and it's ok for me.

My logstash config:

cat config/logstash.yml | grep "^[^#]"
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: "Remote_beats"
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["elasticsearch-node-1:9200", "elasticsearch-node-2:9200"]
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority: "/home/elastic-user/logstash/ca.crt"

In logstash-Keystore

bin/logstash-keystore list
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jruby.util.SecurityHelper to field java.lang.reflect.Field.modifiers
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.jruby.util.SecurityHelper
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release


My kibana config

cat /etc/kibana/kibana.yml  | grep ^[^#]
server.host: "kibana"
logging.dest: /var/log/kibana/kibana.log
elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://elasticsearch-node-1:9200", "https://elasticsearch-node-2:9200", "https://DESKTOP-JQ2FTSG:9200"]
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/kibana-web-cert/kibana-node.key
server.ssl.certificate: /etc/kibana/kibana-web-cert/kibana-node.crt
csp.strict: true
xpack.security.enabled: true
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: /etc/kibana/ca/ca.crt

in Kibana-keystor

sudo /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-keystore --allow-root list

then, it's ok when i try this :
bin/logstash -e 'input { stdin { } } output { stdout {} }

and also i'am seeing the logstash in the monitoring kibana interface.

NB: when you add your password to the keystore be sure that you set your password correctly and without the <"">.


Kibana is fine

This is what my config looks like:

cat /etc/kibana/kibana.yml  | grep ^[^#]
server.host: "localhost"
elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
elasticsearch.password: "elasticsearch.password"
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.certificate: /etc/kibana/certs/instance.crt
server.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/certs/instance.key
elasticsearch.ssl.certificate: /etc/kibana/certs/instance.crt
elasticsearch.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/certs/instance.key
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: /etc/kibana/certs/ca.pem
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate

Since then I also added this to the kibana config to match yours

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.security.enabled: true

This is all I have in kibana keystore as shown before

/usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-keystore --allow-root list

My logstash.yml

cat /etc/logstash/logstash.yml | grep ^[^#]
node.name: elastic18
path.data: /var/lib/logstash
path.logs: /var/log/logstash
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: logstash_system
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority: /etc/logstash/certs/ca.pem

I always get this error when I run logstash-keystore but not trying to worry about that now

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash list
2019-08-27 07:52:03,668 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,668 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,669 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,669 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"


I recreated the logstash-keystore again and made sure the password is correct and without double quotes but still keep getting 401

curl -XGET https://localhost:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty -u logstash_system -k
Enter host password for user 'logstash_system':
  "username" : "logstash_system",
  "roles" : [
  "full_name" : null,
  "email" : null,
  "metadata" : {
    "_reserved" : true
  "enabled" : true,
  "authentication_realm" : {
    "name" : "reserved",
    "type" : "reserved"
  "lookup_realm" : {
    "name" : "reserved",
    "type" : "reserved"

I'm probably doing something stupid just don't know what

Thanks for your help

Hello @VamPikmin,

I think that this error can be related to your problems.

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash list
2019-08-27 07:52:03,668 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,668 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,669 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-27 07:52:03,669 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"


Try to kill all the instances of logstash that are running, and be sur that :


And tell me if it's works.

Very happy to help !!!


Hi Mehdi,
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

Even when I export the above settings I still get the error

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore list
2019-08-27 19:49:25,498 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:49:25,499 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:49:25,499 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-27 19:49:25,499 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
WARNING: Could not find logstash.yml which is typically located in $LS_HOME/config or /etc/logstash. You can specify the path using --path.settings. Continuing using the defaults

My logstash.yml and logstash,keystore are in /etc/logstash

I tried to export LS_HOME but the error is still present

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore list
2019-08-27 19:51:36,188 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:51:36,188 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:51:36,189 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-27 19:51:36,189 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
WARNING: Could not find logstash.yml which is typically located in $LS_HOME/config or /etc/logstash. You can specify the path using --path.settings. Continuing using the defaults

root@elastic18:/etc/logstash# echo $LS_HOME

When I specify the path manually it shows the entry

root@elastic18:/etc/logstash# /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore list --path.settings /etc/logstash/
2019-08-27 19:53:21,296 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:53:21,297 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling" for logger config "root"
2019-08-27 19:53:21,297 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_rolling_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"
2019-08-27 19:53:21,298 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "${sys:ls.log.format}_console_slowlog" for logger config "slowlog"

When I copy both logstash.yml and logstash.keystore to /etc/logstash/config it doesn't print the xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password entry

I'm running Ubuntu Server 18.04 and logstash service is stopped like you advised

What are your file permissions?

    /etc/logstash# ll
    total 5672
    drwxrwxr-x   6 root      root         4096 Aug 27 19:48  ./
    drwxr-xr-x 100 root      root         4096 Aug 23 06:44  ../
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root      root         4096 Aug 22 18:36  certs/
    drwxrwxr-x   2 root      root         4096 Aug 24 19:22  conf.d/
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root      root         4096 Aug 27 19:49  config/
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root          5747716 Aug 22 08:04  GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root         1915 Jul 25 05:55  jvm.options
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root         4987 Jun 21 03:26  log4j2.properties
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root         1428 Aug 27 20:02  logstash.keystore
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root         8578 Aug 27 08:46  logstash.yml
    -rw-r--r--   1 root      root          285 Jun 21 03:26  pipelines.yml
    -rw-------   1 root      root         1696 Jun 21 03:26  startup.options
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root      root         4096 Aug 24 19:14 '${sys:ls.logs}'/

I've found the error thrown when running logstash-keystore is because I am running from /etc/logstash

If I change the directory to /root for example I don't get it

I've redone the keystore again while running from /root directory and the error 401 shows in logstash, so the errors I got above might not be the reason why it's not working

Thank you :slight_smile:

With both username and password specified in the logstash.yml a successful start:

[2019-08-28T12:38:53,514][INFO ][logstash.runner          ] Starting Logstash {"logstash.version"=>"7.3.1"}
[2019-08-28T12:38:56,062][INFO ][logstash.monitoring.internalpipelinesource] Monitoring License OK
[2019-08-28T12:38:56,065][INFO ][logstash.monitoring.internalpipelinesource] Validated license for monitoring. Enabling monitoring pipeline.
[2019-08-28T12:38:58,050][INFO ][org.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 48 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 19 keys and 39 values 
[2019-08-28T12:38:58,760][INFO ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Elasticsearch pool URLs updated {:changes=>{:removed=>[], :added=>[https://elastic:xxxxxx@localhost:9200/]}}

If I specify only the username in the logstash.yml and the password in the keystore as xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password

[2019-08-28T12:37:11,271][INFO ][logstash.runner          ] Starting Logstash {"logstash.version"=>"7.3.1"}
[2019-08-28T12:37:13,931][ERROR][logstash.licensechecker.licensereader] Unable to retrieve license information from license server {:message=>"Got response code '401' contacting Elasticsearch at URL 'https://localhost:9200/_xpack'"}
[2019-08-28T12:37:14,058][ERROR][logstash.monitoring.internalpipelinesource] Failed to fetch X-Pack information from Elasticsearch. This is likely due to failure to reach a live Elasticsearch cluster.

If I intentionally comment out both the username and password in logstash.yml I get the same error as above which leads me to believe that either both settings or none are required.

There is nothing I can find in the documentation that allows to use a keystore instead of a plain text password


There seems to be an issue with this line in logstash.yml

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]

I've tried using, no joy

If I change to I get a certificate error, so I would need to regenerate them I guess

[2019-08-28T14:27:50,973][ERROR][logstash.licensechecker.licensereader] Unable to retrieve license information from license server {:message=>"Host name '' does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=localhost)"}

The main problem is definitely the inability to use just the username and keystore, both need to be specified for this to work :confused:

[2019-08-28T14:38:35,698][INFO ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Elasticsearch pool URLs updated {:changes=>{:removed=>[], :added=>[https://logstash_system:xxxxxx@localhost:9200/]}}

Hi @VamPikmin,

Can you tell me more about your Os, java version and ELK version.


I think that logstash can work without java, but keystore no

Hi @mbelaloui

ELK 7.3.1

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~18.04.1-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)

You say it's working for you with just the username-
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: "Remote_beats"

Maybe I should change to using network ip instead of localhost and see whether that works

EDIT: Nope :confused:

[ERROR][logstash.licensechecker.licensereader] Unable to retrieve license information from license server {:message=>"Got response code '401' contacting Elasticsearch at URL ''"}

Well, in the end it was an issue with the ES_PWD. I exported it as root logstash runs under the logstash account and I can't su to logstash to export it under the right account


cat /etc/default/logstash 

After that I was able to use anything from the keystore as the password

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-keystore --path.settings /etc/logstash/ list


So either of these will work:

xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: "${ES_PWD}"
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: "${elasticsearch.password}"
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password:  "${xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password}"

The ES_PWD variable will also work in logstash.output.elasticsearch which is great

Thanks for all your help @mbelaloui and @rugenl

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