Lost indices after restart cluster

Hello all,

after a restart of indices a lost somes indice and data in my cluster. for exemple for my indice A mapping and datas are not up). How to solve this issue after cluster restart ?


How did you lose it? How is your cluster configured? Which version are you using?

i use elasticsearch 6.2.2 docker version (docker.elastic.co repository)

master configuration :

-E "node.name=$DOCKER_NAME"
-E "cluster.name=elasticsearch"
-E "node.master=true"
-E "node.data=false"
-E "node.ingest=false"
-E "network.publish_host=$DOCKER_NAME"
-E "path.repo=/usr/share/elasticsearch/backup/backup_elasticsearch"
-E "http.cors.enabled=true"
-E "http.cors.allow-credentials=true"
-E "http.cors.allow-origin=/.*/"

data node configuration

-E "node.name=$DOCKER_NAME"
-E "cluster.name=elasticsearch"
-E "node.master=false"
-E "node.data=true"
-E "node.ingest=false"
-E "network.publish_host=$DOCKER_NAME"
-E "discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts=$UNICAST_HOSTS"
-E "path.repo=/usr/share/elasticsearch/backup/backup_elasticsearch/" \

as a result of a misconfiguration my nodes master to change ip and the other nodes no longer arrive at communicated with


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