[lpseg2p] [spc][0], node[r1Sz_DsNSZ-wbxR35IPMpg], [P], v[20], s[STARTED], a[id=DEhEGi5WRZG5DiEHg7uvUw]: failed to execute [org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.PercolateRequest@350ed365] RemoteTransportException[[lpseg2p][][indices:data/read

Hi Friend,
I am getting given erron on elasticsearch can some one help to resove it.
It have a big data on shared and we just recover shard [0] after renaming translog directory

Manoj Kumar

nested: IllegalStateException[can't load global ordinals for reader of type: class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex$MemoryIndexReader must be a DirectoryReader];

This is the main error

Which version of Elasticsearch are you using?

What exactly did you do? What caused this?

i am using elasticsearch 2.3.2
java version

Problem arise when we saw heap error Elasticsearch log
then we restart Elasticsearch after increasing max and min memory and after that
index shard [0] was failed to recover data
we tried to fix it and got a solution over internet
we rename trans log and later copy system from renamed trans logs
after that shard [0] is recovered successfully
Now heap is increasing every day
once it reaches to more than 90 percent shown posted error

That version is ancient and has been EOL a very, very long time. I have not used it in a very long time so will not be able to help.

I would recommend you upgrade to the latest version as a matter of urgency.

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