Make Errors on OpenBSD 7.0 (Compiling Source)


I have perused the various OpenBSD topics regarding compiling beats (specifically filebeat) on OpenBSD, and have not found a solution to what I'm seeing.

OpenBSD 7.0 currently ships a filebeat version which is both old and missing components (particularly, modules that I am using). This is not a complaint directed to OpenBSD maintainers. I am not aware of official precompiled binaries for OpenBSD, as such I am compiling from source using these instructions:

When it's time to run make I'm using the following command within the bash shell:

cd ${GOPATH}/src/ && make -j24

I also tried without -j24 (the number of make jobs - There are 24 cores there), which doesn't change the situation which arises:

*** Parse error in /usr/local/share/beats/src/ Need an operator in 'INSTALL_FLAG' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:29)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'INSTALL_CMD' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:30)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'MAGE_IMPORT_PATH' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:33)
No closing parenthesis in archive specification
*** Parse error: Error in archive specification: "(1 ,0)" (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:111)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:113)
No closing parenthesis in archive specification
*** Parse error: Error in archive specification: "(1 ,1)" (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:115)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:117)
*** Parse error: Missing dependency operator (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:120)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:122)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'MAGE_IMPORT_PATH' (../dev-tools/make/
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'MAGE_PRESENT' (../dev-tools/make/
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../dev-tools/make/
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'CHECK_HEADERS_DISABLED' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:154)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:156)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'CHECK_HEADERS_DISABLED' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:160)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:162)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'EXCLUDE_COMMON_UPDATE_TARGET' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:347)
*** Parse error: Missing dependency operator (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:352)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:355)
*** Parse error: Missing dependency operator (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:357)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:361)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:368)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'NO_COLLECT' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:480)
*** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (../libbeat/scripts/Makefile:483)

Here is some information on the environment:

bash-5.1# echo $SHELL ; bash --version | head -n 1 ; echo $GOPATH ; echo $PATH
GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-unknown-openbsd7.0)

I have run into strange formatting issues unrelated to this project and reaching at a straw, i tried dos2unix on the mentioned files (this may be defined instead as desperate?) and that does not change the situation.

I also have some alpine linux log sources, and this approach works just fine there. So it may be OpenBSD specific.

Any ideas what's going on here?

I have since learned that the OSS version does not have the netflow capability that I need, so attempting to compile this on OpenBSD does not meet my needs.

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