Manage Users are Roles in Kibana w.r.t Spaces

  1. Can we create an admin user which will just manage users and roles for that specific space only.
    E.g. SPACE_X
    Role created SPACE_X_ADMIN_ROLE
    User ABC Created with role SPACE_X_ADMIN_ROLE.
    He will able to manage users and roles created for this space.

  2. Can we create an user which will just create or update users but not create or update roles?

Kibana Version: 7.2.0

Hi @vaibhav.rodage,
unfortunately it's not possible at the moment.

Spaces is just a Kibana concept at this point in time, and Users/Roles are "stack-wide" .

I believe there's been some discussion about implementing some other concept which allows users to manage a "subset" or users/roles, but right now it's all or nothing

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