Manual setup ElasticSearch on google cloud

I am trying to setup Elasticsearch on google cloud manually. what is the best recommended settings for the deployment? I am planning to use GKE for providing high availability and scaling. my questions are :

  1. can my master nodes be preemptible VMs? How many master nodes is minimum requirement and what is the minimum configuration required?

  2. can my data nodes be preemptible VMs? How many data nodes is minimum requirement and what is the minimum configuration required?

  3. do I require coordinating nodes or the data nodes would suffice? if coordinating nodes are required, how many coordinating nodes is required and what is the minimum configuration required?

  4. is StatefulSet and PersistentVolumes a must for this kind of configuration?

  5. Is there a definitive guide from where I can install and configure elasticsearch on GKE in this manner?

Please help.

Ravi Gopalan

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