Mapping Issue in Index setting up manual mapping

Hello, hope everybody is safe...

I have a logstash pipeline that sends data from a SQL database to elastic.
I have never configured mappings , I was letting elastic to set up the mapping for me.
but I have a field that is for Temperature that elastic was mapping the field as a long and in datatables I was missing the decimal points.
I was reading that I need to change the field to float.

So I create a new index, I have manually added a mapping for the fields, including the temperature as a float but when I'm sending the data from logstash I'm receiving this error.

Rejecting mapping update to [coronavirus] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type

I don't know what else to do.

Thank you in advance.

Yes, my index name is Coronavirus, it is from a screening tool that we have created in our company to save data of all persons visiting the building. and I have a small dashboard to show that data but the temperature was showing as Int in the tables.


Can you post the new mapping aswell as the existing one and how do you manage the mapping update ?

( need all the code you can provide to understand the problem )

First i recommand you to delete the index and create a new one with custom mapping BEFORE you start to fill it with data.

You can simply use the API and POST /_mapping
{ ## your mapping here ## }

Hello Sr,
Thank you for your help, the index was deleted and then i created the mapping manually and it works.
Thank you so much.

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