Mapping not updating change in visualization

I updated my mapping in Elasticsearch but I'm not seeing any changes on Kibana. I stopped all processes, deleted the existing index, cleared my cache, started Elasticsearch, created the index with mapping via the API, checked the mapping with a get request that returned the following (which is correct):

"psslogs": {
"mappings": {
"message": {
"properties": {
"ApiData": {
"properties": {
"RequestUri": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CorrelationId": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"

Then I launched logstash and Kibana. Unfortunately, even still, when I try to visualize around this data, the CorrelationId and Uris are being split and malformed horribly. I don't understand why this is happening (No one, absolutely no one wants this functionality, I see nothing but complaints; default string formatting is terrible.) How do I fix it? I just want my data available exactly as it was passed.

Bump. Need help!

Will bump for days.

What does the mapping of the look like after you have ingested it?
Do you have a template that is also being applied?
Do the types match in your document and your mapping?

This forum is community based, the people that hang out here (even staff) do so on a volunteer basis. If you'd like SLA based answers, then we have commercial support I'd be happy to point you to :slight_smile: