I've just started using ElasticSearch/Kibana, and I've run into a hopefully simple issue. The records I'm submitting (via JSON/REST) contain a field named "timestamp", which is a unix time integer. Apparently I had to inform Kibana that this was a timestamp field with a command like this:
PUT cxtesterrors
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "epoch_second"
That worked fine. But after reading some more, I realized that I should have one index name for every day, so, for instance, cxtesterrors_2018_11_28. So I set the time format for cxtesterrors_2018_11_28 yesterday, and that worked fine, but now the date is 11/29 instead of 11/28, and I can't see any new records I'm submitting, presumably because the timestamp field for cxtesterrors_2018_11_29 isn't properly set up. I tried to do that PUT on a wildcard (cxtesterrors_*) and that didn't work. What's the solution? (I hope it's not having to set up a CRON job to do a PUT for every day's records forever...)
@lukas: looking at that page, it still seems like that requires doing a PUT to a specific index. Won't I just run into the same problem, where I set the dynamic template for cxtesterrors_2018_11_28 but that won't set it for cxtesterrors_2018_11_29?
(Another solution to my problem might be to submit my timestamps in some format which will always, automatically, be interpreted as a timestamp. Is that possible? Using ISO standard time strings?)
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