[Marvel] What does the Search Rate mean?

I am quite confused about this graph shown in marvel...

Actually, I don't know which one the Search Rate refers to
(considering I have 5 shards, 1 replica, totally 10 shards saved on 2 machines)
if I triggered 100 SEARCH requests per second using RESRful API
what the search rate will be?

  1. 100 / s (total search requests to the whole system)
  2. 500 / s (sum up all the requests on every shards, I think every search request will need infos on every shard)
  3. 1000 / s (case 2 with 1 replica?)

Anyone could help?
I am also confused on the Indexing Rate, Search Latency and Indexing Latency....

It's the rate of search requests being executed against the cluster.
Index rate is the number of indexing requests being made against the cluster.

Search and indexing latencies; I am not sure exactly what that is.

If it refers to requests towards the cluster.
I've made a trivial test. I've riggered 50000 Random SEARCH requests, all completed in 300s. So the Search rate should be 166/s ?
The graph on marvel seems to show a far more larger value than 166/s....

We're those requests spread over 300s, or you just issued them and they happened to finish in 300 s?

Pattern Like this:
Request, Get Response, Request, Get Response....
50000 x (Request, Get Response) takes 300s

I'd also like to know how Search Rate is calculated. Basically it's much higher than our actual QPS. I even saw negative numbers during deployment.

Hi, we would also like to know how the search rate displayed by marvel is calculated. We see a search rate of about 1,700 - 1,800 per second in Marvel and measure just over 500 request per second fired from our apps towards our elastic cluster.

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Seems that nobody would give an answer.

I summarized from my experience that Search Rate is the lookups running per second multiplied by the number of shards.
And the Search Latency means the search latency within each shard.

I have a brief write-up here. You may verify that with your index and mapping settings.