Match_phrase query does not work when using context suggestions


I am using ES version 5.6.2

We are using an index to store and retrieve our own list of suggestions. We use a match_phrase query to find a specific suggestion and get it's ID. This works fine until we start adding contexts to our suggestion mapping. Somehow, match_phrase does not yield any results in combination with the contexts. I have added the steps to recreate to problem below.

Note: I do not need to search for suggestions, as in, I sent a query for "foot" and it suggests "football" as a result. This is not my problem. My problem is that I want to get the ID for a suggestion that has been indexed.

Create a test index:


Insert a suggestion:

         "my suggestion"

Search for a specific suggestion: THIS WORKS

    "query": {
        "match_phrase" : { "suggest" : "my suggestion" }

And with contexts it is not working:

Create a test index WITH CONTEXTS:


Insert a suggestion:

         "my suggestion"
      "contexts": {
      	"suggest_type" : ["top"]

Search for a specific suggestion: THIS DOES NOT WORK

    "query": {
        "match_phrase" : { "suggest" : "my suggestion" }

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