When you write a phrasequery in the "old" way as this:
It is possible to use "zero_terms_query":"all"
But if I use
it is not possible as far as I can see.
The zero_terms possibility is only mentioned in the "match-query" documentation, but not the "match-query-phrase".
Can this be right? and if it is, what is the thoughts behind this?
I can not use the "old" way to write it, as this gives a deprecated warning.
The problem came after I updated NEST from version 5.3 to version 6.0.2, as Version 5.3 mapped MatchPhraseQuery in the old way to a match query with type "phrase" - giving me the deprecated warning.
And I cant find a way to specify "zero_terms" for my MatchPhraseQuery after updating NEST.
Hope someone can help