Metricbeat AWS RDS Module for Aurora Serverless


Are there plans to scrape metrics for aurora serverless databases?

Best, Justin

Hi @justinw, sorry for the late response. Amazon Aurora sends monitoring metrics to Cloudwatch under AWS/RDS namespace based on

That means you can use aws module cloudwatch metricset in Metricbeat to scrape these metrics:

- module: aws
  period: 300s
    - cloudwatch
  credential_profile_name: <your profile name>
    - namespace: AWS/RDS
      tags.resource_type_filter: rds
      statistic: ["Average"]

You can specify the statistic method you'd prefer and tags.resource_type_filter enables tag collection.

Please let me know if this helps. Thanks!

Thanks @Kaiyan_Sheng for the response! That would work. Are there plans to integrate this into the RDS module for a higher period (better than 300s)? We'd like to create some alerts on these metrics too.


I see some of the cloudwatch metrics for Amazon Aurora get reported every 5 minutes and some of them are reported every minute. Is that why you are looking for higher period? If that's the case, probably it's easier to use cloudwatch metricset for now to control the different collection period. For example, you can specify periods with a list of metric names:

- module: aws
  period: 60s
    - cloudwatch
  credential_profile_name: <your profile name>
    - namespace: AWS/RDS
      tags.resource_type_filter: rds
      statistic: ["Average"]
      names: ["WriteIOPS", "ReadIOPS"]
- module: aws
  period: 300s
    - cloudwatch
  credential_profile_name: <your profile name>
    - namespace: AWS/RDS
      tags.resource_type_filter: rds
      statistic: ["Average"]
      names: ["VolumeWriteIOPs", "VolumeReadIOPs"]

For adding support in RDS metricset, it should be a fairly easy task. I can create a github issue to track it and we can start from there :smile: But with the nature of RDS metricset, it won't have the capability/flexibility cloudwatch metricset has to specify metric names to collect for different frequency.

I see. Thanks for the help! Let me know the ticket number so I can track there too :smile:

Best, Justin

Here it is:
Please feel free to add more info to the issue :+1:

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