Metricbeat module not sending TLS certificate


I have Metricbeat 8.9.0 pod trying to scrape Prometheus metrics using this config

    - module: prometheus
      hosts: ["https://prometheus.demo.svc:9090"]
      ssl.enabled: true
      ssl.certificate: "/tmp/tls.crt"
      ssl.key: "/tmp/tls.key"
      ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/tmp/root/ca.pem"]

The Prometheus server is using mTLS.
Metricbeat fails to connect & got this error on log

{\n    \"message\": \"unable to fetch data from prometheus endpoint https://prometheus.demo.svc:9090/api/v1/query?query=increase%28data_service_notifications_sent_total%5B90s%5D%29: error making http request: Get \\\"https://prometheus.demo.svc:9090/api/v1/query?query=increase%28data_service_notifications_sent_total%5B90s%5D%29\\\": remote error: tls: certificate required\"\n  }\n}","":"metricbeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

I can confirm that Prometheus server is working fine as I have other app that can connect to it without issue.
I can also confirm that Prometheus server not receiving certificate because on its log I can see tls: client didn't provide a certificate.
If its invalid certificate on log it will say tls: bad certificate.

Am I missing something?


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