Metricbeat Oracle Module

I have enabled the Oracle Metricbeat module to monitor my database. The configuration file looks like this:

- module: oracle
  metricsets: ["tablespace", "performance"]
  enabled: true
  period: 10s
  hosts: ["oracle://@demo_high"]

  username: "admin"
  password: "passwordhere"

The module test also works fine like this:

metricbeat test modules
     "@timestamp": "2021-08-30T13:29:20.005Z",
     "event": {
      "dataset": "oracle.tablespace",
      "duration": 4324824461,
      "module": "oracle"
     "metricset": {
      "name": "tablespace",
      "period": 10000
     "oracle": {
      "tablespace": {
       "data_file": {
        "id": 4055,
        "name": "+DATA/EET1POD/C9432FCC417B9DFDE0531918000A07C5/DATAFILE/sysaux.6548.1080280321",
        "online_status": "ONLINE",
        "size": {
         "bytes": 3596550144,
         "free": {
          "bytes": 3590225920
         "max": {
          "bytes": 35184372064256
        "status": "AVAILABLE"
       "name": "SYSAUX",
       "space": {
        "free": {
         "bytes": 888930304
        "used": {
         "bytes": 3596550144
     "service": {
      "address": "oracle://demo_high",
      "type": "oracle"

     "@timestamp": "2021-08-30T13:29:24.330Z",
     "event": {
      "dataset": "oracle.performance",
      "duration": 747441149,
      "module": "oracle"
     "metricset": {
      "name": "performance",
      "period": 10000
     "oracle": {
      "performance": {
       "cursors": {
        "cache_hit": {
         "pct": 0.9712419975536389
        "opened": {
         "current": 7,
         "total": 3356005
        "parse": {
         "real": 2905094,
         "total": 354399
        "session": {
         "cache_hits": 3259493
       "io_reloads": 0.0004195381221348515,
       "lock_requests": 0.7445759764903614,
       "pin_requests": 0.8144706295948042
     "service": {
      "address": "oracle://demo_high",
      "type": "oracle"

However, within Kibana this is the error message that I see:

error creating connection to Oracle: error doing ping to database: params=oracle://admin:SECRET-ClNpfq1ZGTA=@demo_high?connectionClass=GODROR&enableEvents=0&heterogeneousPool=0&poolIncrement=1&poolMaxSessions=1000&poolMinSessions=1&poolSessionMaxLifetime=1h0m0s&poolSessionTimeout=5m0s&poolWaitTimeout=30s&prelim=0&standaloneConnection=0&sysasm=0&sysdba=0&sysoper=0&timezone= extAuth=0: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

Since I am using database as service the database server does not respond to the ping, and also the metricbeat configuration is done on a remote server.
Is there a way, i can bypass the ping test or something to enable the flow of metrics straight in Kibana.

Hi! Do you see this error message in Kibana? I don't think Kibana should care at all in this case. @Mario_Castro Do you know more about this?

@Kaiyan_Sheng Yes, the message is straight from the Kibana Discover.

Uploaded the screen shot, from Kibana

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