Metricbeat Promethes merging queries

This has been mentioned before here:

But as there is no resolution there I'm posting here and will open an issue on github shortly. With the Prometheus module if you define 2 items that leverage the module, metricbeat (as a result of composing it seems) merges it and causes invalid queries to result. In my case this is scraping a rook-ceph instance and a custom vsphere exporter:


    # Module: prometheus
    # Docs:
    - module: prometheus
      metrics_path: /metrics
      period: 30s
      hosts: ["rook-ceph-mgr.rook-ceph:9283"]
      tags: ["prometheus"]
      - add_fields:
          target: ''
            type: 'ceph-prometheus'
            site: "${SITE}"


    # /usr/share/metricbeat/modules.d/
    # Module: prometheus
    # Docs:
    - module: prometheus
      metrics_path: /metrics
        vsphere_host: ""
      period: 30s
      hosts: ["vmware-exporter:9272"]
      tags: ["prometheus"]
      - add_fields:
          target: ''
            type: 'vmware-exporter'
            site: "${SITE}"

The expected behavior is that metricbeat scrapes each endpoint individually. What actually happens is the configs are errantly merged in some way resulting in errantly querying the bare /metrics endpoint for ceph mgr:

After looking at the code this seems more related to the use of global vars and pointers in the metricbeat prometheus module itself. I'm reading through the code more but I do believe this is an issue that stems from the way the code in Go is written. beats/collector.go at main · elastic/beats · GitHub

I guess this module doesn't get much use since there is 0 traction in here regarding this issue from myself and one other person. Probably solved many times via workaround with multiple metricbeat instances running.

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