Migrate backups from S3 to GCP

Hello, I want to copy all of my backups that have been made using the s3 plugin to Google Cloud Storage. I tried to copy them just like that, but it seems that this is not the way to do it. Is there a tool or is there something that I am missing ?
I am using elasticsearch 7.16.2

You mean the snapshots, right?

I don't think this is possible, you will probably need to recreate the snapshots on GCP.

I think i have an ideea, to restore from S3 each snapshot and then to store them in GCS(using gcs-plugin ), but we also have very old snapshots from 2019 that have been done using an older version of elasticsearch...

This should work, although it's not something we test. You need to treat it as if you're taking a repository backup, following the process in the manual, and make sure that the layout of the objects in GCS is an exact copy of those in S3.

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