Migrating index kibana 6 - time out error

I am trying to migrate from ES and Kibana 5.6.7 versions to 6.2.3. The problem occurs when i am reindexing the .kibana index to a nex .kibana-6 index.
Following the migrating kibana index to 6.x procedure, when i try to execute the following:

POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": ".kibana"
"dest": {
"index": ".kibana-6"
"script": {
"inline": "ctx._source = [ ctx._type : ctx._source ]; ctx._source.type = ctx._type; ctx._id = ctx._type + ":" + ctx._id; ctx._type = "doc"; ",
"lang": "painless"

i get a time out error:

"statusCode": 504,
"error": "Gateway Time-out",
"message": "Client request timeout"

I tried to execute it on a commande console with no success.
Is this error familiar to anyone?

Hi @mrnotsmartone,

What is the size of your .kibana index? You can see this by querying _cat/indices

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