Missing plugin-descriptor.properties

Experimenting with an offline install of https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch-plugins/repository-s3/repository-s3-7.10.0.zip into an Elasticsearch which says it's 7.10.0 using the command

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///aric/elasticsearch/plugins/snapshot/repository-s3-7.10.0.zip

results in failure with

Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /aric/elasticsearch/plugins/snapshot/plugin-descriptor.properties

The .zip file is world readable. How should I do an offline install of this plugin?

Ah. It turns out to be a bad idea to attempt to do an offline install with the zip file somewhere in the file hierarchy below what Elasticsearch thinks is its plugin directory (which I'd done by accident). And yes, this is documented if you look hard enough.

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