I'm trying to use curator to delete all snapshots older then a 100 days in my repository. I noticed it was failing with the error message:
Failed to complete action: delete_snapshots. <class 'curator.exceptions.FailedExecution'>: Unable to get snapshot information from repository: dcselasticsnapshot. Error: TransportError(500, 'snapshot_exception', '[dcselasticsnapshot:citydirectory_ocrpages/XGftDvzIRPGe_wMfN6FsSw] is missing')
Looking into this further, I went and tried to list all snapshots that are currently in the repo:
GET /_cat/snapshots/dcselasticsnapshot?v&s=id
This again failed which proves to me it's not an issue with Curator but rather an issue with the snapshot API and the metadata associated with that. Intrigued, I tried to delete the snapshot, and not surprisingly I get the following:
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "snapshot_missing_exception",
"reason": "[dcselasticsnapshot:citydirectory_ocrpages/XGftDvzIRPGe_wMfN6FsSw] is missing"
"type": "snapshot_missing_exception",
"reason": "[dcselasticsnapshot:citydirectory_ocrpages/XGftDvzIRPGe_wMfN6FsSw] is missing",
"caused_by": {
"type": "no_such_file_exception",
"reason": "Blob object [snap-XGftDvzIRPGe_wMfN6FsSw.dat] not found: The specified key does not exist. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey; Request ID: 26ED0010FAD1957E; S3 Extended Request ID: mC8EZfdWuubobpZndQGLi38t84Ni9EmDMc6kJzburYBGLhZijEtu5BUPluC4aq5hDHd5HcEN2l0=)"
"status": 404
I tried to create a new snapshot with the missing name in order to delete it, hoping it would override the existing snapshot somehow. I get the following error, saying the snapshot already exists!
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason": "[dcselasticsnapshot:citydirectory_ocrpages] Invalid snapshot name [citydirectory_ocrpages], snapshot with the same name already exists"
"type": "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason": "[dcselasticsnapshot:citydirectory_ocrpages] Invalid snapshot name [citydirectory_ocrpages], snapshot with the same name already exists"
"status": 400
Is there a way to delete this, so the curator script runs properly? Or even so listing all the snapshots in the repo works? I believe this is the case of a missing meta pointer. I tried looking in the repo for the actual data associated with the snapshot, but couldn't find it. If I was able to find it, would deleting the individual data/meta for the snapshot clear up this problem? FYI I'm trying to avoid deleted the entire repo and starting over, as there are many current/useful backups located there. Thanks for any/all help.