Monitoring JBoss Fuse using APM

You set -Delastic.apm.log_level=error so you would only get logging about errors, and apparently there aren't such

Did you go over our supported-technologies page? What are you using from there? Please go over it and see what is expected to be traced and is not. And if not- please add a log where log_level is set to DEBUG.
Since you are using RedHat JBoss Fuse, you are probably not using Servlets, and JMS support is off by default in 1.7.0, as it is still experimental, so there is no way for automatic creation of transactions. If you are using JMS, please see in the documentation what is supported and how to turn this on.
If you are using JBoss Fuse Service Works, which relies on JBoss EAP as its container, you may get automatic traces.
Otherwise, go over our public API to see how you can manually trace your code.

As replied at the beginning of this thread- "We currently don't offer dedicated support for Red Hat Fuse".

We don't have a way to configure custom metrics as of yet.

See a list of supported metrics in our documentation.

I hope this helps.