Month names in english with pattern MMM


The @timestamp format I have is the following : « 2018-07-10T11:04:14.452Z ». And I would like to have in output this format : « Jul 10 13:09:12 ».

Here is my configuration in order to do that :

input {
	kafka {
		id => "kafka_input"
		client_id => "TEST-client"
		bootstrap_servers => "***********"
		group_id => "TEST-group"
		topics => ["TEST"]
		decorate_events => true

output {
	file {
		path => "/var/log/logstash/output/test_P.txt"
		codec => line { format => "<5> %{+MMM dd HH:mm:ss} test.domaine.lan %{message}" }

But the output logs have the following format :
:black_small_square: « <5> juil. 11 15:37:12 test.domaine.lan {"version":"…. »

The month is in french(« juil. ») and i would like to have it in english (« jul »).
Do you know how to do that ?

I try to add the filter below. But I get an error message
filter { date { locale => "en" }}

translation missing: en.logstash.agent.configuration.invalid_plugin_register

Thanks in advance for your help.

Any guess ?

In case someone is interested. I found out a way to bypass this issue, I parsed the timestamp in a ruby filter.

input {
	kafka {
		id => "kafka_input"
		client_id => "TEST-client"
		bootstrap_servers => "***********"
		group_id => "TEST-group"
		topics => ["TEST"]
		decorate_events => true

filter {
	ruby {
		init => "require 'date'"
		code => "
			event.set('month' , Date.strptime(event.get('@timestamp').to_s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ').strftime('%b'))

output {
	file {
		path => "/var/log/logstash/output/test_P.txt"
		codec => line { format => "<5> %{month} %{+dd HH:mm:ss} test.domaine.lan %{message}" }

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