Multiple custom navLinks Kibana 7.15


I try to add multiple custom nav link under a new category in the kibana menu.
I used the setCustomNavLink function but it allows you only to add one menu item only. Is there another solution ?


Are you developing a custom plugin and want to add it to the navLink sidebar?
You need to register your client-side application with Application service | Kibana Guide [8.0] | Elastic
and set a category it belongs to.

import { AppMountParameters, CoreSetup, Plugin, DEFAULT_APP_CATEGORIES } from 'kibana/public';

export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
  public setup(core: CoreSetup) {
      category: DEFAULT_APP_CATEGORIES.kibana,
      id: 'my-plugin',
      title: 'my plugin title',
      order: 100,
      appRoute: '/app/my_plugin', // optional. /app/{id} will be used by default
      async mount(params: AppMountParameters) { ... }

Thanks for your reply @Mikhail_Shustov,

I am developing a plugins but I want to add others navLinks to the menu bar, not the one of my plugin

I want to add others navLinks to the menu bar, not the one of my plugin

Well, we didn't support it out-of-the-box since it breaks incapsulation. However, nothing prevents you from registering some links on behalf of your plugin.

      category: DEFAULT_APP_CATEGORIES.kibana,
      id: 'my-plugin',
      title: 'my plugin title',
      order: 100,
      appRoute: '/a-well-known-route',
      async mount(params: AppMountParameters) {
        const { application } = await core.getStartServices();
        application.navigateToApp(...) or application.navigateToUrl()

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