Multiple Domain Support - No Common Forest

Hey guys,

I'm looking to see if there's a solution for authentication users in two different domains that don't exist in the same forest, don't have a common root domain but have a two-way trust between them.

For example: I have a security group in which contains users in In every application I've used which supports Active Directory authentication, it has been able to authenticate users via the two-way trust with, without needing to directly query domain controllers.

I've tried adding a second Active Directory realm in elasticsearch.yml but elastic dies 5 seconds after startup. I've tried using the recommended Global Catalog port configuration for the URL but I feel like the domain_name property (which is set to prevents lookups for or\my.user. It instantly fails authentication.

Any tips? Thanks!

Can you share the chunk of your elasticsearch.yml when you define two AD realms?

Hey Mike,

Here's the config
   type: native
   order: 0
   type: active_directory
   order: 1
   url: ldap://, ldap://
    type: "round_robin"
   unmapped_groups_as_roles: false
   type: active_directory
   order: 2
   domain_name: another-domain.local
   url: ldap://, ldap://
    type: "round_robin"

My expectation here is that this config would permit my.user@another-domain.local to authenticate via the domain controllers. I've tried both the GC ports and 389 in the ldap URLs. If I comment-out the second AD config section, Elastic starts but I can't authentication with another-domain.local user accounts (instantly fails login attempt)

I think part of the problem is that you use the same name for both AD realms. Try naming them something like active_directoy_first and active_directory_second:
   type: native
   order: 0
   type: active_directory_first
   order: 1
   url: ldap://, ldap://
     type: "round_robin"
   unmapped_groups_as_roles: false
   type: active_directory
   order: 2
   domain_name: another-domain.local
   url: ldap://, ldap://
     type: "round_robin"

Hey Mike,

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realise it was a naming label.

I can now have two AD blocks in there and Elastic boots fine. Unfortunately, login attempts to another-domain.local still fail instantly. On the login page for Kabana i've tried the following username syntax:

  • another-domain.local\my_user
  • my_user@another-domain.local

Is there anywhere in Kabana or another place in ElasticSearch i need to configure? How can I debug failed logins?

please double check the url parameter for the active_directory_second, the config above has the same servers for both AD realms.

@Nobby, what error are you seeing in the logs? Also, have you gone through mapping the AD users/groups to Elasticsearch users/roles?

Hey jetnet,

This is intentionally the case.

Hey Mike,

My x-pack trial period has run out so there are billions of errors :sweat:. I should probably add a bit more detail for the scenario as well.

  • There is a Security Group in called ElasticGuys which contains a mix of and another-domain.local users
  • Elastic role_mapping.yml has been configured to allow ElasticGuys are super users
  • Users from that are in ElasticGuys can login to Kibana and do anything within the interface
  • Users from another-domain.local that are in ElasticGuys can't login to Kibana

Is there a requirement for role_mapping.yml to contain a security group defined in another-domain.local to both authentication and role authorisation? i.e. there needs to be a CN=ElasticGuys,OU=Groups,DC=first-domain,DC=com and CN=ElasticGuys,OU=Groups,DC=another-domain,DC=local?

When I use other systems with AD integration, it has always permitted authentication and authorisation for both domains via a single domain controllers groups and users catalog.

This is intentionally the case.

sorry, I started to read the topic from the third message :slight_smile:
I would start with verification if a user from another-domain can be resolved to ElasticGuys group, e.g. using the AdFind:

adfind -h -gc -f "userPrincipalName=my_user@another-domain.local" memberof

if this is the case, than you have to enable trace level and look at the log-files:

PUT /_cluster/settings
{"transient":{"": "trace"}}

and possibly turn the audit logging on: true [logfile]

it's better to shutdown kibana, as it sends a lot of queries to ES constantly and it will be hard to read the logs, and to call ES directly, e.g.

curl -u my_user http://es-host:9200/_search

Note: my_user is from @another_domain.local

Hope, that helps!

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