Multiple Kibana users and limit access

I have this scenario: I installed serachguard into kibana 6.2.2 and I create two users :

  • user1 have access only to indexes that has names logstash-mobile-*
  • user2 have access only to indexes logstash-test-*
    And I have a dashboard and it's visualizations created with logstash-*
    If I login to user1 and import dashboard+visualization and affect them to logstash-mobile* so I can see all visualizations. BUT if I go now to user2 and import the same dashboard + viz (the initial one created with logstash-) I found that all visualizations changed to logstash-mobile so I can't acces to any visualizations bcs user2 is limited to logstash-test-*
    I need to find a solution that each user see the same visualizations(standard viz initially created with logstash-*) but with it's indexes
    please help !

Hi @chrigui94,

We don't offer support for Search Guard, but it sounds like you are looking to implement a multi-tenant solution for Kibana. We are actively working on a feature that will hopefully make setups like this very easy in the future. You can track our progress here:

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This capability would be awesome, we're looking forward to it.

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