Le mardi 8 avril 2014 12:20:31 UTC+2, Itamar Syn-Hershko a écrit :
What do you mean by "stable"? and why would you want to refresh your
reader only once a day?
By "stable" I mean that the same query must always return the same results.
I want to refresh the reader only once a day/hour because (for example)
some metrics are computed every day/hour, user can clic on some metrics to
see what docs are behind. As data can be updated afterwards metrics will
become unconsistent with the NRT reader but will remain consistent with an
unrefreshed reader.
It sounds like what you are looking for is some sort of a snaphotting
mechanism? if so, maybe try to model your data where you have a document /
type that has the data in its stable form and update it periodically based
on your business logic?
Snapshotting is exactly what I'm looking for. Modeling my query and or data
to simulate a snapshot mechanism can be quite complex compared to the
lucene IndexCommit point in time feature.
Elasticsearch doesn't support what you describe going all the way to a
specific commit, but the scan/scroll search type is pretty much what you
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Yes, scroll is the closest ES feature I found.
I think having this implemented on the Lucene commit level is going to be
tricky if not impossible due to the distributed nature of ES (every shard
on every node is practically a different Lucene index)
I was afraid of that...
So a simple naive process like this :
1/ API to create a commit point : Send a broadcast commit message to all
nodes for one ES index.
2/ Use the IndexWriter.commit(Map<String, String> commitInfo) to store ES
specific data (like a cluster wide commit point ID generated by ES).
3/ Add a param to the query API to specify which commit point to use
4/ Add some API to list/delete unused commit points
is unpractical?
point 2,3,4 looks OK to me, tricky part seems to be in point 1.
Thank you.
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 12:45 PM, David Causse <no...@laposte.net<javascript:>
I'm evaluating ES features by reading the doc. Here is the missing usecase
I was not able to find in the documentation.
I want to perform query in an index from 2 differents applications.
One application needs NRT view of the index. And another needs a more
stable view of the data (refreshed every day or hour, it depends on
application needs).
With raw Lucene it's quite easy to implement such feature :
- Keep one IndexReader open for the stable view + NRT : drawback is
that I loose my IndexReader if the application restarts
- Use IndexCommit and IndexDeletionPolicy for the stable IndexReader,
it supports app restart.
Does ES supports these lucene features : keep a commit point, open a
reader on that particular commit (and delete the index commit when it's no
more needed)?
As the base feature is part of Lucene API would it be hard to implement
such feature into ES? (I suspect scroll api to already keep an opened
IndexReader under the hood, isn't it possible to generalize it to the query
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