Multiplication and division query

Good day evetyone. I have a question in making a query wich will count multiplication of value of two fields and then division of this multiplication on third field.
Example of data in index:

        "_index" : "instruments",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "643265",
        "_score" : null,
        "_source" : {
          "emShortName" : "Credit Agricole SA",
          "emitent" : 545419,
          "nominalCurr" : "GBP",
          "expared" : false,
          "ticker" : "CRAGgp",
          "adfrontType" : "eurobonds",
          "allowNonQualInvest" : false,
          "emCode" : "CRAG",
          "boardName" : "ECL counting in GBP",
          "hellGroup" : "Bonds",
          "universalExchangeId" : 3,
          "cupPeriod" : 0,
          "lot" : 1,
          "universalMarketCode" : "EUCL_GBP",
          "isEnabled" : true,
          "actId" : 46781,
          "cupSize" : 3.0,
          "currency" : "GBP",
          "matDate" : "2100-01-01",
          "isin" : "FR0010575654",
          "assetCode" : "FR0010575654",
          "nkdCurr" : "GBP",
          "faceUunit" : 378207,
          "riskCurrency" : "GBP",
          "isTradeAccess" : false,
          "isLiquidBoard" : true,
          "hellType" : "BondsCoupon",
          "nkd" : 0.0,
          "isDefaultUniversalExchange" : true,
          "objectId" : 571980,
          "displayGroup" : 2,
          "name" : "Credit Agricole SA",
          "nominal" : 50000.0,
          "adfrontGroup" : "Bonds",
          "bondTypeName" : "Corporate",
          "idfi" : 643265,
          "dailyPiPercent" : 0.0,
          "price" : 88.54,
          "yield" : 12.52,
          "sessionDate" : "2024-05-06"

Example of counting fields: cup_yield (counted field) = cup_size*price/nominal.
I need to get this counted field in a search query with filter. For example, by "bondType".
It will be great if someone help to make this query. Thank you.

I think this is one of the examples where ES|QL shines a lot:

row price=88.54, nominal=50000.0, cupSize=3.0
| eval cup_yield=cupSize*price/nominal

But otherwise you can use a runtime field: Define runtime fields in a search request | Elasticsearch Guide [8.13] | Elastic