Need an example of BulkProcessor with the 5.6 version of high-level client

Hi guys,

Need an example of BulkProcessor with the 5.6 version of high-level REST client.
It looks like it has a BUG when calling:

BulkProcessor bulkProcessor = BulkProcessor.builder(rHLClient::bulkAsync, listener,threadPool).build();

compilation error:
"Client is not a functional interface"

Any help will be well appreciated. I have to use 5.6 version

Thank you in advance


I don't see anything wrong with your code, our docs snippets are even tested so they must compile otherwise the docs don't get published.

Which version of java are you using?


Thank you Luca,

The problem was associated with to a BUG but this one is not coming from elastic

Here's the link:


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