Need an example to search incoming value in a Multi valued attribute

Hi Team,
I need an example to search a value in a multi valued attribute.
Example: Let's say I have below documents in an index.

   { "id":1, "lenders"=[32,76], "lender_yield"=1.0 },
   { "id":2, "lenders"=[1,9], "lender_yield"=1.1 },
   { "id":3, "lenders"="[76,100], "lender_yield"=3.0 },
   { "id":4, "lenders"=[4,32], "lender_yield"=2.8 }

If search value is 76
I should get documents with id 1 and 3.
I want a JAVA Elasticsearch query written using co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query.

Could you please help me on this
Thank you.

Hi @vkrishna

Look this question, maybe the solution help you:

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