Need help to store and access document


Data :

    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": "value3",
    "key4": "value4",
    "key5": {
      "key6": [
          "key7": {
            "ipv4_unicast": [
            "ipv6_unicast": [
          "key8": {
            "ipv4_unicast": [
            "ipv6_unicast": [

I used curl --noproxy '*' -k -vX PUT 'https://elastic:mypassword@myelasticsearch.url/my-index' -d @data.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

To add data to a brand new index. I see it working fine but when I try to visualize in Kibana. The data does not seem to be properly stored. By cons when I use the json mode it works. Via curl too. I would also like to make a request and filter on for example key5.key6.key7.ipv4_unicast == somevalue and return only key1 and key2. Thank you in advance for your advice and your precious help.

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