Need help with Query. I use kibana sucessfully but I don't know how build my query in json


I need help to transform a query I build with Kibana (Discover)


I think I need to use bool query with some filter but I don't understand how to do that as curl of rest api call. I try and get error from elasticsearch eachtime.

 curl -XGET 'http://slpelk0675:9200/filebeat-*/log/_sear                                                                                        ch' -d '
> {
>   "query": {
>   "bool": {
>     "must_not": [
>       {
>         "term": {
>           "must_not": [
>             {
>               "_name": "batchman"
>             }
>           ]
>         }
>       }
>     ]
>   }
> }
> }
> '

I want to use a query like the image I add to that discussion.

Thank you!!!!

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