Need to control the log flows in kibana

Hello team,

We would like to know about, how to control the log flow in kibana?

The Elasticsearch cluster are experiencing huge ingestion rate while the (Performance test) PT happens at application end so that, we are intended to reduce the injestion frequency of the document into Elasticsearch. We tried scan frequency but it's not worked as expected.

Eiether we are looking for any options from filebeat end to harvesthe the logs at slower rate, Or we are looking for any other option from elasticsearch end to slower down the injestion rate while Application team doing the PT.

Could you please suggest us to further process.

Thanks & Regards,
Yasar Arafaath A.

There's nothing native to the stack to do this for you unfortunately.

Hi warkolm,

Thanks for your quick response !!

Then how could we control the log flows while application team doing PT. If there is any other options from logstash, kibana or filebeat config. Please tell us !!|

Yasar Arafaath A.

Hello Warkolm,

Could you please update the above mentioned isssues.

Yasar Arafaath A.

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