Need to create latency graph in timelion


I need to create a timelion graph where I have receivedTs & repliedTs (which are date types) in documents.

Following is the graph I need to create:


"min_time_to_serve_request" is 1 sec difference receivedTs & repliedTs
"avg_time_to_serve_request" is 3 sec difference receivedTs & repliedTs
"max_time_to_serve_request" is 5 sec difference receivedTs & repliedTs

How do I create a query in timelion.

Thanks & Regards,
Dheeraj B


just to explain,

consider that we have receivedTs is at 2:15:17 and repliedTs was at 2:16:18.

and I need all the calls which were replied under 1 second or under 3 seconds.

How can we form a query for it in timelion.

Can someone please suggest.

Thanks & Regards,
Dheeraj B

Adding to it following is the document I have in kibana.

"eventId": "3-648bfd20-4deb-11e9-93ef-0242ac120003",
"apiName": "quotient-crm-xapi",
"clientId": "9c31cfa76b304e23905a58c9d15854d9",
"requestBytes": 102,
"instanceName": "1.0.0:15554279",
"verb": "POST",
"hostId": "",
"apiVersionId": 15554279,
"userAgent": "Java/1.8.0_131",
"orgId": "eeb3ccb6-a2f4-4c7b-9459-7202183bce03",
"path": "/qtcrm/ihc/getNext",
"responseBytes": -1,
"apiVersion": "1.0.0",
"repliedTs": "2019-03-24T00:15:01.157-04:00",
"clientIp": "",
"requestDisposition": "PROCESSED",
"receivedTs": "2019-03-24T00:15:01.106-04:00",
"apiId": 210967844,
"applicationName": "Quotient-CRMInterface",
"user_agent": {
"patch": "131",
"major": "8",
"minor": "0",
"os": "Other",
"name": "Java",
"os_name": "Other",
"device": "Spider"
"statusCode": 500

@lukeelmers can we please get some help here?


thanks @bhavyarm for taking it forward.

Adding some more information to it in simple words.

I need to plot a graph where we have a receivedTs and how many documents were replied under 1 second (which is repliedTs).

Thanks & Regards,
Dheeraj B

Hi @lukeelmers,

Can we make such query in timelion..?

Thanks & Regards,
Dheeraj B

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