Need to execute watcher alert based on each element of array

Need to execute watcher alert based on each element of array.

I am using chain input . First search provides me list of array . So, for each element of the array i need to make a search on each iteration .
My result of first search -

"type" : "transform", "status" : "success", "payload" : { "_value" : [ 202101250153300972, 202101250210130121, 202101250245310739, 202101250251420866, 202101250251530386, 202101250252030474, 202101250317200938, 202101250429130705, 202101250627000149, 202101250650530483, 202101250708140261, 202101250821180950, 202101250915430122, 202101250915430934, 202101250957000827, 202101250957060145, 202101250957060989, 202101250957070139, 202101251009390352, 202101251014560961, 202101251041290577, 202101251043380386, 202101251052570813, 202101251106280277, 202101251120080434 ]

Now using these elements one by one how should i use them .

Hello @Sumit_Kumar1

The data you posted - is that an elasticsearch document? Can you make an alert based on that document or do you need to perform further processing?


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