NEST 2.2 Limit Fields returned


I am trying to limit the fields that are returned from a query but i cant seem to get the .Fields() part of the query detecting the objects in my class:

   var result = client.Search<MyClass>(s => s
              .Fields(f => f.MyField)
               .Query(q => q

When i type .Fields(f => f. I only get the choice to select Fields or Field (not my class fields)


Take a look at the 2.x documentation on Fields usage

As an example, if MyClass looks like

public class MyClass
    public string Foo { get; set;}

    public int Bar { get; set;}

You can do

client.Search<MyClass>(s => s
    .Fields(f => f
            ff => ff.Foo,
            ff => ff.Bar


client.Search<MyClass>(s => s
    .Fields(f => f
        .Field(ff => ff.Foo)
        .Field(ff => ff.Bar)

both serialize to

  "size": 10000,
  "fields": [

As a side note, asking for 10,000 documents in one request is a lot! You may want to consider using scroll to efficiently retrieve them.

Thank you very much.. I must have been looking at the 1.x documentation. Thanks for the tip on scrolling - i already have most of my queries using scroll but in this case i am only going to bring back 2 small fields and the doc count should hover around 3000.