NEST API to configure built in analyzers


I'm trying to figure out how to set one of my fields to use the Pattern Analyzer with "\W|_" Basically the 'fullAddress' field could include an underscore within the postcode, eg WC1V_6hh.

I want to do a wildcard search eg. WC1V*

It looks like I should use the 'Simple Analyzer' which would break up the underscore and use lowercase. However, I'm sure I've seen that if a number was part of the underscore term then the simple / standard analysers wouldn't break it up. So in that case I would use the Pattern Analyser with the regex pattern \W|_

If I was to use the Simple Analyzer then I can decorate the poco property like this?

[String(Name = "FULLADDRESS", Analyzer = "Simple")]
public string FullAddress { get; set; }

About to test this but how do I decorate using the pattern analyzer?

Yes, you can use either attributes or the fluent API to assign an analyzer to a field. Just FYI though, you need to create the index with the analyzer configured first.

For instance, if you have the following POCO:

public class MyDoc
    [String(Name="mField", Analyzer = "my_pattern_analyzer")]
    public string MyField { get; set; }

Then you'd create your index with my_pattern_analyzer, and use AutoMap() to pick up the String attribute set on the MyField property:

var response = client.CreateIndex("myindex", c => c
	.Settings(s => s
		.Analysis(a => a
			.Analyzers(az => az
				.Pattern("my_pattern_analyzer", p => p
	.Mappings(ms => ms
		.Map<MyDoc>(m => m.AutoMap())

You can also use just the fluent API, which is actually preferred since it can handle more complex mappings that can't be expressed using attributes alone.

public class MyDoc
    public string MyField { get; set; }
var response = client.CreateIndex("myindex", c => c
	.Settings(s => s
		.Analysis(a => a
			.Analyzers(az => az
				.Pattern("my_pattern_analyzer", p => p
	.Mappings(ms => ms
		.Map<MyDoc>(m => m
			.Properties(ps => ps
				.String(str => str
					.Name(p => p.MyField)

You may find the docs on auto mapping useful. Hope that helps!

That was the perfect answer. I was close but got a little lost. I wish there were more examples in the documentation