NEST search not working with wildcards or spaces or special chars like -

I have in elasticsearch index with software instaleld in my pc like this:

Microsoft .NET Core Runtime - 3.1.5 (x64)

But later when searching the index using NEST it doesnt get any result when I search for full or partial.

I am using this query

var query = new SearchDescriptor<InstalledSoftware>();
            query.Index(string.Format(IndexName, orgId));
query.Query(q => q.MatchPhrase(qs => qs.Field(f => f.Name).Query(searchString)))


QueryString(qs => qs.DefaultField(f => f.FileName).Query("*" + searchString + "*"))

none of this is working when i search for the full text or partil like "microsoft"

How can I search like in SQL for anything containing LIKE microsoft*, m*, runtime, or the full text "Microsoft .NET Core Runtime - 3.1.5 (x64)"?

any help on this?

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