NEST syntax wild card search completion field

We ahve an index with a completion field for autocomplete look ups.
Is there any way of using a wild card search as opposed to a prefix to search the index.

Our index is very small (100,000 records).

var searchResponse = client.Search<Locality>(s => s
        .Suggest(ss => ss
            .Completion("suggestions", c => c
               // .Prefix(prefix)
            //.Contexts(ctxs=>ctxs/*.Context("country", ctx => ctx.Context("ie").Boost(3))*/.Context("flags", ctx => ctx.Context("13").Boost(3)))
return searchResponse;

Hi @xef,

I just asked this question internally and we don't think this is possible with completion suggesters at all.

The documentation as well does not mention anything like this:

Thank you.