Nest using system indices

Hi all,

I'm trying to get my cluster stats out of the .monitoring-* index with NEST and I can't get a result out so I was wondering if it does not allow querying system indices?

TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery
     Field = "type",
     Value = "cluster_stats"
response = await _client.SearchAsync<ElasticClusterStat>(s => s
                                               .Query(q => q
                                                     .Term(tq => termQuery)


I set my connection to provide details (from OnRequestCompleted) and I can see the request (JSON) passed and there no hits in the result. When I copy paste my request in my kibana console, I get thousands of hits...


I suspect you also need to set .Type(...) with the document type in the .monitoring indices

It did actually work! Why is that? The .Type(...) is always required? Isn't it going to be deprecated in 7.0.0 of elasticsearch?

Thanks @forloop

I was using the guide here: and it did not specify that the document type had to be specified for a query.

Type is being deprecated, but it's still needed for 6.x.

In the absence of an explicit .Type() method call or any conventions set up on ConnectionSettings with

  • .DefaultTypeName()
  • ..DefaultTypeNameInferrer()
  • use of DataContractAttribute or ElasticsearchTypeAttribute on the POCO type

NEST infers the type name by lowercasing the POCO type name. Check out type inference for more details

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