Nested aggregation

I have an elastic index with authors field as array of objects:
"authors" : [
"email" : "",
"authid" : "100",
"email" : "",
"authid" : "200",
}, {
"email" : "",
"authid" : "300",

And am calculating sum of relevance score of each author as follows:
"aggregations": {
"authid": {
"terms": {
"field": "authors.authid",
"order": [
"relevance": "desc"
"_key": "asc"
"aggregations": {
"relevance": {
"sum": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless"
Here, I need to boost score of authors whose id comes as the first or last in authors array

I tried as below:
"aggregations": {
"relevance": {
"sum": {
"script": {
"source": "params._source.authors[0].authid == params.author_id || params._source.authors[-1].authid == params.author_id ? _score * params.boost_factor : _score",
"params": {
"author_id": "{{key}}",
"boost_factor": 2
"lang": "painless"

Here I tried to get outer bucket key using params.key.But its not returnig its original value

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