Nested inner_hits more than 100 results

Hey guys. I don't know if I'm in the right place, is my first time here. I'm doing a nested query with inner_hits, but the elasticsearch configuration is limited to 100 by default. Is there any way to get more than 100 results in inner_hits, without changing index.max_inner_result_window?

Initially my:

"inner_hits": {
  "name": "content",
  "from": 0,
  "size": 100

and then I tried to increment:

"inner_hits": {
  "name": "content",
  "from": 100,
  "size": 200

but diz generate a error: Inner result window is too large, the inner hit definition's [content]'s from + size must be less than or equal to: [100] but was [200]

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