Nested Query Search not working

I have a mapping written in DSL as follows:

class job:
    properties = {
        'company_name': Text(index='not_analyzed', term_vector='yes'),
        'start_date': Text(index='not_analyzed', term_vector='yes'),
        'end_date': Text(index='not_analyzed', term_vector='yes'

Job_exp = Nested(

So, job_exp is a nested field with property company_name, start_date and end_date. I am running a nested query search as follows:

GET /_search
      "query": {
          "bool": {
             "must": [
                   "nested": {
                      "path": "job_exp",
                      "query": {
                         "bool": {
                            "must": [
                                  "match": {
                                     "job_exp.company_name": "Apple"

However, I'm getting this error:

"type": "illegal_state_exception",
"reason": "[nested] nested object under path [job_exp]  is not of nested type"

Can someone please help with this error?

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