Network Graph over the world's map (take #2)


I want to display the world's map and place over it locations of users who interact between them.
I want to draw lines between the users (e.g. user in London interacts with user in NY). The more interaction, the wider the line would be.
I also need an option to add few icons which symbol the type of interactions between the users.

Is this possible using Kibana?

This is my document structure:

"analysisId": 51,

"anomalies": [


"identifier": "AN_51_1438",

"occurredOn": "Wed, 22 Oct 2003 12:43:39 UTC",

"generatedOn": "Mon, 03 Jul 2017 13:11:00 UTC",

"score": 17.508,

"clusterId": "CL_51_333",

"category": "FRAUD",

"type": "Transactions_TYPE1",

"owner": "The_A_Team",

"severity": "High",

"triggerFeatures": [


"name": "Customer_ID_12345",

"value": "1884.1973",

"rating": 5.015,

"ratingOrder": 1



"name": "WD_Amount_Account",

"value": "18.3656",



"ratingValue": 4.41,

"ratingUOM": "%",

"ratingOrder": 2




"name": "Transaction_Amount_out",

"value": "6.8166",



"ratingValue": 3.451,

"ratingUOM": "%",

"ratingOrder": 3




"name": "CAUCHYValue25",

"value": "34.3334",



"ratingValue": 1.643,

Confidential Page 13 | 17

NBI Connector API 4.0.1

"ratingUOM": "%",

"ratingOrder": 20




"forensicFeatures": [


"name": "",

"value": ""



"name": "",

"value": ""



"name": "",

"value": ""






Hi Adi,

Are you using Kibana Maps App? Which version of Kibana?

Check this blog post on how the SIEM solution provides a visualization very similar to your project based in the Point to Point data source.

If you spin a Kibana 7.4 and load the sample flight data you can try this data source easily.

Let us know if this is helpful to you.


Sorry forgot to mention a relevant topic. The Maps App expects your index pattern to provide both geometries to render the lines, so you need origin and destination location fields in order to complete the data source definition.

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